
口腔卫生诊所 at 全球赌博十大网站 operates to provide educational experiences for our students in order to prepare them to become licensed registered dental hygienists. 为此目的, we make our clinical services available to any member of the community at a reasonable cost.

清洁的预防服务, x射线, 运动护齿器, 菌斑控制, 氟化处理, 密封剂, 并提供营养咨询. We are committed to providing the highest standard of care for our patients within the scope of Dental Hygiene Practice as established by the New Jersey State Board of Dentistry. The Clinic is open to the public and is under the supervision of a licensed dentist. 服务s are performed by students who are monitored by licensed hygienists.


The clinic is located on the Blackwood campus in the Kevin Halpern Hall for Science and Health Education, 107房间.

任命 can be made by calling the reception desk at (856) 374-4930. 任命 for oral prophylaxis (cleaning teeth) are scheduled for three hours – see “营业时间“低于. As with any teaching institution, individual services require more time than a private setting. 你的治疗可能需要多次长时间的访问. Each step of the procedure is carefully evaluated by an instructor. 因此,您必须在过程中等待.

An individual who has never been a patient in the dental hygiene clinic must be screened by the staff dentist before being accepted as a patient. 在筛选预约时, 病人将填写一份病史/牙科病史表, 有没有测量生命体征?, 完成一次口试. Those individuals who are accepted as patients may make an appointment for treatment at this time.

Patients who have been previously seen in the hygiene clinic may be scheduled for a cleaning appointment without having to repeat the screening process. 然而, if it has been more than seven years since your last appointment, 可能需要再次进行筛查.

Since it is essential for the patient to respect the student’s commitment to education and patient care, 我们要求至少提前48小时取消预订. It will be considered a broken appointment if proper notice is not given. If two broken appointments occur, the patient will be dismissed from the clinic. If a patient is more than 20 minutes late for an appointment, the student will treat another patient.

Adult patients scheduled for a clinic should not bring their young children. We have no facilities for babysitting and cannot assume responsibility for unattended children.

All patients who are minors must have the clinic form signed by a parent or guardian prior to any clinical procedure. The parent or guardian must remain in the waiting area while the patient is approved for treatment by the instructor. We expect parents/guardians of children under 12 years of 年龄 to remain until treatment is completed. Should the parent/guardian leave the clinic after treatment starts, we must have a phone number at which he/she can be reached in case of an emergency.

The patient must be picked up by the end of the clinic session. 儿童病人不能单独离开诊所.

全球赌博十大网站的结业人数是559人. 如果学院关闭,诊所也会关闭. (View CCC’s website and closure will be listed on the homep年龄 (at the top of u2i0.csaaiir.com)或收听KYW全球网络赌博平台电台上午1060或103.9 FM). 你可以打电话重新安排时间.

病人只能把车停在白色的车位上. 凯文·哈尔彭大厅是残疾人无障碍的, 包括一个特殊的停车场, 一个斜坡, 还有一部通往二楼的电梯. 停车 tickets are issued by Security for any infraction of the parking rules.

All patients seen at the 口腔卫生诊所 are required to fill out a comprehensive Medical and Dental History Form, 并在随后的每次访问中更新, and must sign a consent form before treatment can be rendered.

Patients with medical or dental histories indicating past or present conditions will be evaluated by the staff dentist and clinical faculty to assess a patient’s medical needs. A medical clearance form sent to the patient’s physician may be warranted.

It is important that patients report any history of communicable disease. 例子包括肝炎、艾滋病毒感染和结核病. It is our policy that individuals who have a potentially infectious disease will not be denied access to clinical services.

It is important that patients disclose any previous illnesses that require special precautions, 例如但不限于, 二尖瓣脱垂, 人工关节置换术, 心脏瓣膜置换术, 或者先天性心脏缺陷. All medical information is considered strictly confidential and will be utilized to help us to treat you in a safe and appropriate manner. Patients requiring pre-medication will not be treated if they have not taken their medication as directed. Patients taking medications are encour年龄d to bring their medicines with them to each appointment.



注册费 $2.00
口腔预防(清洁) $5.00
有牙医处方的咬牙x光片 $2.00
有牙医处方的全口x光片 $5.00
有牙医处方的全景x光片 $5.00
有牙医处方的密封胶(每颗牙齿) $2.00
斑块控制程序 $5.00
营养咨询 免费的



口腔卫生诊所, 位于Kevin Halpern Hall, 107房间, will be open for patients according to the following schedule:


周一——上午9点.m. 到中午12点,下午1点.m. 到下午4点.m.
星期三-上午9点.m. 到中午12点,下午1点.m. 到下午4点.m.